Shadows Between Stars (SBS) is a current novel in the works that explains the shared stories between Dain Azure Noctem and Neo Axel Arcana.

What is SBS
Sbs is a series dedicated to telling the stories of Hosts, Demons, and Vampires. It was created by Dain Noctem and Neo Arcana to share the lore and world-building they've created with the world in hopes of inspiring others to do the same.

What are some of the characters featured in SBS? Choose a specific person or start with Dain and cycle through them all~

Dain Azure Noctem
Astronomer vampire bat. Originally was the secretary to the former Monarch in hell. When the Monarch's soul split in 2, he initially tried following her to heaven, though he ended up being sent to purgatory. He now owns an observatory within its own dimension. Known by most, if not all, of the gods as the bat who went astray, breaking from the path they created for him. Most gods also know him for harbouring Humans in the Observatory.

“I’ve spent the years of my so-called punishment studying the stars. They have led me up to this moment. They will guide me throughout my life, telling me what is right and wrong. They will never lead me astray,”

Art by DainVT

Caspian Edin
Human companion and romantic partner of Dain Noctem. Once attended a prestigious school and was well-loved by his parents and sister until he dropped out of college in London due to losing his passion for life and learning and becoming depressed. Acts like a mother to those within the Observatory. Ensures everyone and everything in the Observatory feels homely and protected.

"Did you know Neo uses such high-end things for his hair? Ironic, considering he’s always covered in dirt and grime yet begs for expensive hair products."

Art by DainVT

Loculus Ukufa
The current king of hell came into rule after the Monarch passed on. He is shown to be relatively carefree, though he has a sadistic side to him as he used to work in the punishment department. Occasionally visits the Observatory to deliver groceries to Dain, though as of late, he stays for extended periods of time to enjoy the company of his lover.

“You pray for a sense of humanity, but you never took the time to notice it was right in front of you this entire time?”

Art by DainVT

Ruthven Blake
A vampire who has been alive for at least a thousand years. The previous owner of the Observatory before Dain Noctem. Soul was placed into the crown, later given to Dain by a god. Had initially wanted to take Dain's place and regain his observatory but ended up falling for Dain instead though Dain never realized this. Later grew close with the host of lust.

“Oh, sorry, the way you speak is just soooo boring…Could you speak like…I don’t know, a normal person?”

Art by DainVT

Neo Axel Arcana
A cursed writer with a vengeful spirit of wrath attached to his soul. Initially raised by two humans before running away. At some point, the entity steals Neo’s childhood memories and convinces Neo that he is a danger to everyone around him. Later, he was adopted. Upon the gods passing, he left once again. Now resides in Observatory alongside Dain. He is also shown to go by the alias "Quill" to ensure the shapeshifter doesn't catch wind of where he is.

“Wouldn’t you find immortality to be quite an odd ordeal? You live until the world ends, but how long do you live after that? It’s troublesome to think about”

Art by DainVT

Silas Reed
Also known as "Trendafili". Corrupted human host who runs a website known as "CorruptedFallacies" which allowed other hosts to share their experiences of life with a corruption like his own. Became online pen pals with Neo after seeing how often Neo would write about his own corruption. Currently lives in Albania and has never met any other hosts.

“Dude, I know you think you’re all big and tough, but you can’t do everything alone. That’s just not how it works,”

Art by DainVT

Eros DuBois
Corrupted human host. One of Neo’s and Caspian’s friends was initially born in Bordeaux before he moved to Paris, London, and finally the town where Neo was raised. Eros mirrors Neo Arcana, with Eros being extremely bright and bubbly compared to most, if not all, the other hosts. Eros often comments about how they live each day as if it is his last because Eros never knows exactly when they will die.

“The Observatory must be lively~ Caspian has this aura around him…it’s like! No matter what, Cas can always make a house into a home, you know? I kinda admire him for that~!”

Art by DainVT

Ryo Yamada
Wanted crime boss. The eldest host, in terms of age, has only been a host for a few months. Views the other hosts (Eros, Neo, and Silas) as if they are his children. Has encountered Neo's adoptive mother and Aunt before. He stays in contact with the three younger hosts in case they need help or if he has questions that need to be answered. Missing an eye after an attempt to remove their corruption.

"Blood is thicker than water, or so they say...but family shouldn't turn their back on one another, no matter what happens. Remember that, kid."

*The following entry is information found within Neo Arcana's journals. It's unknown how much of it is fact

Seraph Edelgard Holmes
The following is a direct quote from Neo's journal: "Was once Sephtis's host. Lost himself to Sephtis's promises of riches and fame. We share an unknown bond that allows me to speak with him when I have entered my headspace...He's quite timid...I understand now why Sephtis claims he was easy prey...I ponder the idea if I find a way to kill Sephits...If Seraph could have his body back."

"̵̺̦̳̪͗͊͑̔͆̍̕͠͝͝Ḣ̸̱̥̩͒̓̽̓̚͘̚e̴̛̥̙̒̑̐͑̿͝l̸͖̉̎̄ĺ̶̛͕̭̠͍̠̜̜͉̍̂͒̑̂̚o̷͚̫͗̂͝?̵͓͕͕͓̯̙͇͔̉̈́̓̆ ̸̠̹̝͓̜͊͌̉̓͂͘C̴̱̠̬̈̇ä̶̝̤̮̋͑͂̆̂̔ṇ̸̌̓͋̈̚ ̴̢̛̥̭̬̺̈́͌̉͊̇á̵̻̥͇͙̉̚ň̴̪̫̱̬͇͍̮̰̽́͂̒͋̑̄ÿ̶̢̳͚̟̯̘̅ȍ̵̜̮̞̩̰͚͈ņ̵̛̜͕̮͇̟̳͙͝e̶̩̳͋̀̓̾̐͑͜͝͝ ̴̲̪͇͒̈́͊̄s̸͍̜̓̓t̶͍͍̮̝̑̎i̶̛̦̯̯̞͗̂̌͑̋̈́l̸̦̝̱̘̜̫̬̆̍͆l̵̰͛͒͑̐ ̴̥̝̮̠͙̋̆̈̉h̶̛̤̯͍̫͔̬̣͇̃̚͝͝͝e̷̙̺̅̌͌̍͋͊̐̋̓̿a̵͔̮͂̈͂̏͋͜ŗ̸̢̭̯̞̼̣̽́̍̒̌̓̏͂̕͜ͅ ̷̬̮̺͉̟̯͔̳̣̉̇͑̂̎͒m̶̢̡̤̤̑è̴̡̳̦̦̼̙͓̈́͛͑͐͜ͅ?̸̳̬̱̽ ̷̺̂̑̆P̸̢̙̺͕̪̰̼̋̊͂l̶̮͈͛̓͛e̶̜̼̻̩̞̜͇̪͂͑a̷̧̟͙̔̇̌̌͗͐̓̈͋̕s̷̡̘͕̲͉̲̮͔̜̅̈́̓͑͗͗̚é̴̯̟͙̘̱͖̲͚ ̶͔̲̻̮̣͑ͅh̵̼̫̤͈͔̬̦̎̐ͅè̵̫̱̣̻̊̊̋̑̃̀l̷̨̧͉̣̎̈́̌̈́͑̄̾̚͝p̷̡̢̡̛̬̺̪̹̠͐̆̅̽̓̀͘.̸͇̜͖̻̻̯͂̉̾̍͌̆̿͝ͅ.̵̝̝̘̤̟̪̃̎͊̀.̴͇̰̰̇̉̽ͅ"̵̡̻̤̇̊͊͛͝

Created by a human who was originally corrupted. When the host eventually took their own life, the corruption of Gluttony, Cypress. Was able to corrupt the Android’s mechanical soul and live endlessly in the body. Cypress lived alone in a bunkered lab for 50 years, where they attempted to resurrect his previous host, only for it to fail.

"I have seen human and Mr.Arcana…When I think of humans…you are the last person to cross my mind.”

Leluchia Penheart
The youngest host at age 16. Born and raised in a prestigious family. This led to them being quite snobbish at most times. They act like royalty, and everyone must bow down to them and treat them like a king. Close to Rebecca Edin, who is revealed to be Caspian Edin's younger sister.

“I'm only here because I'm falling behind! Know that I'd never come here on my own accord! Such a thing is beneath me."

Mincent Vanderbilt
A human who died and returned as a demon. Believes that Loculus Ukufa is a pitiful ruler and wishes to overthrow him and spread chaos throughout hell, earning them the nickname "chaos demon" by others. He has three souls within him after consuming two human souls whilst living. Harvests the souls of his victims though leaves the souls screaming in agony within his lair.

“If you join us, we'll make sure that hell becomes the splendid cacophony of pain it always should've been~"

Art by DainVT

Pandora Ingrid
A poison demon in hell. Originally was betrothed to Loculus Ukufa and was supposed to be the queen of hell though those plans eventually changed. Now works alongside Mincent in order to overthrow the current king and take her rightful place. Runs a clothing store called "Never yours" and is often seen working with Hell Media on photoshoots.

“We were engaged for a few months before he called off our engagement...No doubt you're merely a phase though”

Art by DainVT

A nearly fully corrupted human. He was once a king before he was overcome with greed and became a corruption. Currently residing in the body of his former host, allowing him access to almost his full power. Once housed Neo though their relationship ended up being Stockholm syndrome-esque leaving Neo with physical and mental scars. Now works alongside Mincent to overthrow Loculus Ukufa in hell

“We have stronger wills. We can be bent, twisted, and pulled apart. Yet, in the end, we recover, don’t we?”

VOICE: Lee Turner

Corruption Of Wrath. Current host: Neo Axel Arcana. Short-tempered, responds well to negative emotions. Has a sort of love-hate relationship with his host as the two usually bicker back and forth. Referred to as the "King Of Wrath" by other Corruptions.

VOICE: Tesseracttown

Corruption Of Lust. Current host: Eros DuBois. Soft and nurturing, often compared to a mother. One of the nicest corruptions introduced. Deeply cares about her host and acts like an older sister or mother to him whenever he needs some sort of support.

VOICE: Mioda

Corruption Of Sloth. Current host: Silas Reed. Spends most of their days sleeping, very rarely engaging in conversations. Acts as his hosts' eyes though it usually fails as he is prone to falling asleep quite often. The eldest of the Corruptions in terms of age
Corruption Of Envy. Current host: Ryo Yamada. The most resentful of the Corruptions tries to drive their host insane. Shown to mimic most of Valius's actions. Claims Valius is undeserving of the name "King Of Wrath"

VOICE: Misokerosene

Corruption Of Pride. Current host: Leluchia Penheart. The cockiest of the Corruptions believes he is leagues above all of the others. Much like Vidius, believes that Valius is undeserving of the title “King Of Wrath”

Dain Noctem
Age: 232

Voice: Amos Noctem

Neo-Adopted BrotherCaspian-Romantic PartnerLoculus-Childhood FriendRuthven-FriendSilas-FriendEros-Close FriendRyo-Friend???-FriendMincent-FriendPandora-AcquaintanceSephtis-Friend

What keeps you doing astronomy?

"In fact, it has been something I have almost always known...that and it is something that will always stay constant. I can find comfort in the stars if nothing else, knowing they will always be there"

What is your biggest pet peeve with a client?

"Indirect communication. If I ask a question and they respond with anything other than yes, no, or an elaboration, I will have to waste extra time wrapping my head around it. Irritating"

Caspian Edin
Age: 24

Neo-Child FigureDain-Romantic PartnerLoculus-FriendRuthven-FriendSilas-FriendEros-Childhood FriendRyo-Acquaintance???-UnknownMincent-UnknownPandora-UnknownSephtis-Dislikes

What is your favorite recipe to make?

"Hmm....I quite like making pasta dishes. Although simple, there's countless combinations of sauces and toppings to make each dish special"

Do you still keep up with your hobbies from before?

"I don't often get the chance to have the observatory to myself as of recently, but when I do, I take out my guitar and practice something...but shh, don't tell anyone, alright?"

Loculus Ukufa
Age: ~1501

Voice: Lenz

Neo-Romantic PartnerDain-Childhood FriendCaspian-FriendRuthven-FriendSilas-FriendEros-FriendRyo-Friend???-UnknownMincent-WaryPandora-FriendSephtis-Nemesis

Do you enjoy being king?

"HELL YEAH! Being called "my lord" and stuff gets really annoying sometimes, but at least people listen to me, right?"

Do you wish anything about Hell would change?

"Ehh...I kinda wish people would be less pessimistic. I either see people hard at work or criticizing their lives. died, you're in Hell, and you're still complaining?!"

Ruthven Blake

Voice: Huncarite

Neo-Friend Previous love interestDain-Friend Previous love interestCaspian-Semi FriendLoculus-FriendSilas-FriendEros-Romantic PartnerRyo-Friend???-UnknownMincent-AcquaintancePandora-FriendSephtis-Errand Boy

What do you do in your free time?

"Eh...I like relaxing in the forest. I can't really do that too often, cause the sun hurts me which isn't fair. But I do hang out in the middle of the night at this abandoned park with Neo sometimes to talk"

Why did you choose to build the observatory?

"See, I had this huge blank canvas in this dimension, yeah? So I thought I might as well put something there. But now it's like...suuuper important."

Neo Axel Arcana

Voice: "Quill" Arcana

Valius-Corruption & FriendDain-Adopted BrotherCaspian-Parental FigureLoculus-Romantic PartnerRuthven-FriendSilas-Penpal/FriendEros-Close FriendRyo-Parental Figure???-FriendMincent-Friend??Pandora-Friend??Sephtis-Mentor

How do you feel about the eyes on you?

"It's...awful to say the least, everything I do has to be done with precision, a single mistake damages Loculus's reputation more than my own...I feel like I'm trapped in a cage far too small to fit me inside"

Why do you love writing so much?

"Writing has always been my passion...and it's become the easiest way for me to express myself to others...It's the only thing that brought me joy for the longest time...So I don't want to turn my back on it"

Silas Reed
Age: 22

Voice: Solacxe

Somnius-Corruption & FriendDain-FriendNeo-Penpal/Friend Previous love interestCaspian-FriendLoculus-Love RivalRuthven-FriendEros-Best Friend/Brother FigureRyo-Parental Figure???-UnknownMincent-UnknownPandora-Flirts withSephtis-Enemy

What inspired the creation of CorruptedFallacies?

"After I left home and became a host, I felt super alone, like everything was against I made the site, I wasn't expecting it to garner so much attention though haha! But the site is where I ended up meeting Axel which is cool!"

What's it like not being able to see the other hosts?

"Are you asking because my eyes are closed 24/7? Or because I never leave my house? Either way, it's...painful I guess? I wanna hang out with them all one day though!"

Eros DuBois
Age: 24

Voice: Sage

Amarius-Corruption & FriendDain-Close FriendNeo-Close Friend Previous love interestCaspian-Childhood FriendLoculus-FriendRuthven-Romantic PartnerSilas-Best Friend/Brother FigureRyo-Parental Figure???-UnknownMincent-UnknownPandora-UnknownSephtis-Enemy

How has your life changed since moving?

"Severely! I've made a ton of great friends over these last few years living in this town! I ended up meeting my soulmate and reuniting with my best friend, so yeah, life is amazing!"

Was it hard to handle unrequited love?

"Oh...that's a big question, it was a little difficult at first, but even when I got the confidence to at least kiss him...In the end, he told me how he wasn't long for this world, and we wouldn't be a good match...that hurt but at least we're still close friends!"

Ryo Yamada
Age: 28

Vidius-Corruption & EnemyDain-AcquaintanceNeo-Child FigureCaspian-AcquaintanceLoculus-AcquaintanceRuthven-AcquaintanceSilas-Child FigureEros-Child Figure???-UnknownMincent-EnemyPandora-UnknownSephtis-Enemy

What's it like being the eldest host with the least experience?

"I try to forget the fact that I have such a horrible thing attached to my soul at all times, trying to drive me insane with those pitiful excuses of hallucinations he creates"

Why do you care so much for the younger hosts?

"They're just kids, kids who have had a portion of their lives ruined because of this fucking curse that infected them...All of them have pretty harsh backstories."

Age: 24

Voice: Fiction

The following entry is information given by Neo Arcana

Sephtis-Corruption & EnemyDain-FriendNeo-Close FriendCaspian-UnknownLoculus-UnknownRuthven-UnknownSilas-UnknownEros-UnknownRyo-UnknownMincent-UnknownPandora-Unknown

Is it hard watching what you've become?

"I try to avoid thinking about everything that is going around outside my body, I can see it all...but it's easier to not think about it"

How do you feel only being able to speak to Neo?

"It's not as bad as you might think, he's really nice and keeps me up to date on whatever is happening outside...he even said he's trying to see if I can get my body back"

Age: Unknown

Dain-FriendNeo-FriendCaspian-FriendLoculus-FriendRuthven-FriendSilas-New “owner”Eros-FriendRyo-FriendMincent-Previous Owners BrotherPandora-UnknownSephtis-Unsure

Why were you made?

"I was created originally as a gift for an older brother though after my creator learned of his brother's demise, he took his own life...though he did give me a final order"

Does being a robot bother you?

"Why would it bother me? What an odd question...Humans truly are confusing...But, I suppose I do have moments where I see how the other hosts interact with their Corruptions and I feel something..."

Leluchia Penheart
Age: 17

Voice: Misokerosene

Stolzius-Corruption & FriendDain-FriendNeo-Older Brother FigureCaspian-Parental Figure??Loculus-RivalRuthven-FriendSilas-Older Brother FigureEros-Older Sibling FigureRyo-Parental Figure???-UnknownSephtis-Unknown

Why do you wear a fake crown?

"My crown is real! And it was a gift from someone extremely close to me! It shows how one day I will be true royalty! Not just someone these morons can push around!"

Why don't you listen to the other hosts advice?

“It's quite simple really! I don’t need some old man telling me how to control a stupid cloud. They underestimate my maturity simply because I'm the youngest out of everyone"

Mincent Vanderbilt
Age: 55

Voice: Amos Noctem

Dain-AcquaintanceNeo-Friend??Caspian-UnknownLoculus-RivalRuthven-AcquaintanceSilas-DislikesEros-UnknownRyo-Unknown???-UnknownPandora-Best FriendSephtis-Romantic Partner

Do you regret any of your choices in the past?

"Hmm~ being so stupid to give into creatures much smaller than we were~ but at least, it was a benefit in the long run!"

What would your ideal hell look like?

"Unbridled chaos, of course~ the fact that it is any less is...utterly detestable. A change is needed as soon as possible, and we are working towards that goal as we speak"

Pandora Ingrid
Age: 72

Voice: Mmimirae

Dain-FriendNeo-Friend??Caspian-UnknownLoculus-RivalRuthven-AcquaintanceSilas-DislikesEros-UnknownRyo-Unknown???-UnknownMincent-Best FriendSephtis-Close Friend

Who inspired you to make clothing?

"My now ex-husband and I were in an arranged marriage. He took me shopping quite often. That day, I met a kind old woman who showed me that making them on my own was easy"

Who do you make the most clothing for?

"Oh....of course, the king. His butler came by the other day to deliver a specially made mannequin fit to his body. The number of suits I've tailored...sigh…"

Age: ~901

Dain-FriendNeo-ObsessionCaspian-UnknownLoculus-RivalRuthven-Errand boySilas-DislikesEros-FriendRyo-Friend???-HostMincent-Romantic PartnerPandora-Best friend

Do you feel any regret for what you've done?

"Oh, of course not~ Why would I? When you think about it logically, I'm doing the same as you humans do with animals~ I'm just trying to feed myself~"

Why'd you join the resistance?

"Why? Well, I wasn't going to at first, but hearing how Mincent spoke was enough to convince me otherwise~! I'm quite glad I did though, it's nice here!"


What inspired the creation of SBS?:

For me personally, it came from a want to create something with someone so close to me as well as the chance to explore different aspects of my creativity and push my limits. As well as create something that helped represent me as a Nonbinary person

It was something that gave me the opportunity to share the inner workings of my brain with others and would give me more experience when it came to writing. It also gave me a chance to project some aspects of myself into my characters in hopes that other people would enjoy them as much as I do.

How did everyone get corrupted, or is it like Neo where he was a baby and Valius just decided this is fine like is there certain aspects a person must have to attract one of the corruptions or is it randomized?

For most if not all of the other hosts, with the exception of Neo it was that the Corruptions had found the host when they were at their lowest point in life, which made it easy to gain access to their soul.

How did Pandora meet Mincent and Sephtis?

Pandora met Mincent a couple of weeks after she had established her boutique, having been recently cast out of the castle. She came across Mincent holding flyers for his cause and, desperate for someone else to talk to, invited him to live with her after discovering they had a common goal of achieving the crown of Hell.
Pandora met Sephtis after being introduced to him by Mincent when he invited him to join the resistance. She was cautious to grow closer to someone else after so long, but they eventually did become good friends.

What are your plans for the series? Do you want to self-publish or make a webtoon, or are you drawing interesting plot points just for fun or something else?

I definitely want to make a Webtoon though we are currently deciding if we want it to be primarily a Webtoon or a published book, or both.

Ideally, I'd want to make it a published book that people can physically hold as I think it'd be like a trophy being able to wave around a book like "Look! I wrote this!" though I wouldn't mind a Webtoon.

Does killing a host also kill the corruption?

No. If the host dies, the corruption will simply find a new host to corrupt. As it stands currently, all of the corruptions are immortal.

Vincent Manderbilt
A scientist whose goal was to attempt to exceed the current limitations of human power. He made the decision to pursue this goal with the help of spiders, especially black widows. He kept them in captivity and would experiment on said spiders and then allow them to bite him, thinking this would give him superpowers.

Voice: JekyllReads

Martin Manderbilt
Vincent Manderbilt’s younger brother. A scientist who tried to push human limits by creating androids that humans could upload their consciousness into so they wouldn’t have to fear death. Was the previous host of the gluttony Corruption, Cypress.
Marie Arcana
Neo Arcana's birth mother. Cared deeply for Neo since he was a baby and tried her best to raise him normally despite how different he looked and acted in comparison to other children who were around his age.
Lukas Arcana
Neo Arcana's birth father. Didn't care much for Neo and heavily believed that his son was possessed by the devil, which caused him to neglect his son entirely. Had tried to stab out Neo's one red eye during a psychotic break before his wife had stepped in and stopped him.
Alexander Arcana
Neo Arcana's uncle and Lukas's younger brother. During Alex’s early life, he was usually overshadowed by Lukas and his achievements, which led to extreme resentment towards his older brother. Didn't meet Neo until his nephew was 10 years old. Was a heavy narcotics user, which led to downfalls between the brothers.
Damien Pierce
Loculus's butler. Seen frequently around the castle and tends to most of the king's needs. A fire demon who can not actually use any sort of fire abilities. Most people tend to view him as a bit of a pushover.

Voice: Swannsvoice

Simone Bonsley
The owner of Hell Media. Tends not to care much about some of the people she works with beyond the king. Usually forces Pandora to take care of her daughter whilst Simone is busy handling shoots and interviews.
Peter Caste
Peter Caste, also known as the Musketeer, was one of Dain's regular customers, operating under a hidden identity. It was only when his friends caught onto his deals with the vampire bat that he went over the edge.
Hosts are humans who have found themselves corrupted by parasitic creatures known as Corruptions. Most get corrupted when they are in a dark time as it is easier for a Corruption to attach itself to a weaker soul. In most cases, hosts tend to take their own lives to avoid having to deal with a Corruption. There have been very few hosts in history who have managed to control their Corruption for as long as the current hosts of the main seven have.
The exception to this rule is only shown with Neo Axel Arcana, Host of Wrath, as he has been corrupted since birth. While at first he believed the Corruption was an imaginary friend, he later came to terms that he was the host of a parasitic creature.
Corruptions are humans who have become vengeful spirits created by a manifestation of emotions most commonly associated with the 7 deadly sins. Corruptions are soulless beings, meaning they cannot interact with their surroundings, which is why they corrupt humans to gain a physical body either temporarily or permanently.
A Corruptions age does not depend on the era they died in but rather how long their body took to decay; Somnius Corruption Of Sloth is the eldest simply due to the fact that despite dying around the same time as Sephtis Corruption Of Greed, Somnius's human body was exposed to the elements of nature leading to his body decaying much quicker, making him the eldest.
Hosts and Corruptions have a soul link that always forces the two to be near one another. Hosts tend to adapt certain aspects of their Corruptions, ranging from skin tone, eyes, teeth, hair, height, etc. All hosts also have a tattoo connecting them to their Corruption.
In the case of Silas Reed, his Corruption affects not only his eye color but also his vision. Silas is unable to keep his eyes open for long periods. When Silas has his eyes open for a long time, he has to have his Corruption physically holding his eyelids open. Otherwise, his eyes will be forced shut. Silas Reed and Neo Arcana's eyes also have slight filters over them, meaning the two see differently, with Silas having a vignette around the edges of his vision and Neo's single red eye causing him to see everything with a red filter over it when he's looking out of that eye specifically.

Examples of Corruption affecting an eye

Where the dead go to thrive~!

𝕀𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕤 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖒
Nephalem. Owner of “Mortem Mortuary” on Earth, Heaven and Hell. Acting mortician. Owner of the Purgatory book. Illias bounces between locations of his mortuary, meaning he can be found in Heaven, Hell, or on Earth. He was the one who oversaw Dain's punishment in Purgatory and the one who gave Neo his current grimoire.

“Life by nature is not cruel, my dear…the gods merely pick who to love and who to hate. You seem to have gotten the short end of the stick,”

“Asking me to work alongside that demon is like asking me to get hit by a train purposefully...I could do it, but it'd be so much faster to avoid the tracks. My point is, he's annoying."

Palagius is a reborn angel initially hired by Celia Mortem to assist her before she gave Palagius over to her child, Illias Mortem. Unlike Penhurst, Palagius was named by Celia rather than Illias. Palagius is shown to work at Mortem Mortuary's Heaven Location. Occasionally, they assist on Earth alongside Penhurst.
Penhurst is a reborn demon hired by Illias Mortem to assist with the Mortuary in its Hell location. This means he also occasionally assists Mavellous Mortem with his work as well. The name Penhurst was given to him by Illias, a play on the infamous “Pennhurst Asylum.” Occasionally, they assist at the Earth location alongside Illias and Palagius.

“Palagius? Paaalaaagius? OH! You mean Pala! Yeah, the two of us are inseparable best friends~! Wait...they told you what? Oh...Well! That's Pally for ya!”

Illias Mortem

Neo-ObsessionLoculus-UncaringDamien-Subjected to scaringPalagius-Friend & EmployeePenhurst-Friend & EmployeeSimone-ImpartialRuthven-AcquaintanceMincent-FriendPandora-Friend

What is the 'purgatory book'?

"Hahaha...The says whether the souls of...haha...the recently deceased...will end up in purgatory...haha...or not~."

What exactly is a Nephalem?

"Hmhm I’m half angel, half demon, of course...My mother is an angel, in charge of the...hehehe...Heaven father is a demon...he's..hmhm in charge of the...hahaha...hell book~!"


Voice: Swannsvoice

Dain-AcquaintanceNeo-Assigned ToCelia-Former MasterMav-AquaintanceIllias-Friend & BossPenhurst-Friend & CoworkerEros-AcquaintancesRuthven-Wary ofLoculus-UnknownGods-Impartial

What do you do with your free time?

"I try not to waste it, but that’s a hard line to define. All I know is…I must catch myself from losing track, even if it’s for a moment. Though I may never run out of it now, every second is precious…"

Do you like your job?

"Yes. It is not something I would have ever imagined myself doing, but besides a certain demon being a thorn in my side, it is worthwhile work."


Voice: DontaeMajors

Neo-Admires/Flirts withLoculus-ImpartialDamien-FriendPalagius-Best Friend & CoworkerIllias-Friend & BossCelia-AcquaintancesMav-Second BossSimone-DislikesRuthven-Friends?Mincent-AdmiresPandora-Friend

What is it like working for the Mortuary?

"It's definitely something! Like Illias is cool and everything, plus I make a decent amount there which covers my uh 'medical' bills, not to mention I get to work with Pala!"

Do you ever wish things had been different?

"Of course I do, I wish I could remember my family, my friends, all the people I loved, but I know what's done is done, I'm just thankful Illias lets me travel to Earth"

Heaven Book
The land higher than the sky
Owner: Celia Mortem
A pale blue book gifted by the Gods to Celia Mortem upon her being crowned a Cherub. Celia is in charge of seeing if a soul is pure enough to enter Heaven, as well as what the soul's job will be to assist the Gods. Celia being the owner of the Heaven book is what led to her meeting Mavellous.

Purgatory Book
The land between Heaven and Hell
Owner: Illias Mortem
A black book with a white outline of a tree containing large roots and bountiful leaves to represent Heaven and Hell. Given to Illias by the Gods and the previous Monarch of Hell. It was given this to see if one day they'd be able to handle all three Mortem family books.

Hell Book
Earth's depth, sin at its core.
Owner: Mavellous 'Mav' Mortem
A deep crimson book with an upside-down cross on the front cover. Rather than Mavellous being gifted this by the gods, the book was passed down to him via his family. The Hell book is the only one in which only Mav has a say on who it goes to (most of the time, this will be someone else from the Mortem family).